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Anatomy of QR Codes

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We are surrounded by barcodes of all sorts that people usually don't stop and think about. There's quite a bit of complexity behind matrix barcodes like the QR (Quick Response) code that I'd like to spend a bit of time breaking down to some degree. There is a lot of math behind the error correction we'll leave out here (I want the main takeaway to be the basic structure of these codes) but I found this amazing website that covers everything in extreme detail.

To start, here is an image of a QR code with the main regions highlighted:

Gray: Quiet Zone, Yellow: Finder Patterns, Green: Allignment Pattern,
Blue: Timing Patterns, Red: Format Information, Purple: Data

Finder and Timing Patterns

Both the large finder patterns in the corners of the code and the horizontal and vertical timing patterns serve to make the code more readable by computer vision. These are relatively easy to consistently find in an image and can then be used to evaluate the rest of the grid. Another thing to notice is the lonely pixel by the bottom left finder pattern. This is called the dark module and is a square which is always black on all QR codes.

Format Information

The format information is written twice near the top left finder pattern and broken in two along the other two finder patterns. The format string is always 15 bits long. The first two bits describe the error correction level 00 (M), 01 (L), 10 (H), and 11 (Q). The various error correction levels have different data restoration capabilites. L can restore approximately 7% of the data, M - 15%, Q - 25%, and H - 30%. These enable us to intentionally cover relatively large portions of QR codes to make artistic renditions of them that will still scan properly. The next three bits describe the mask pattern, the options of which are listed below:

The eight unique masks used to XOR with QR codes

Masks work by taking the given pattern and duplicating it across the entire code and XORing it with the data. They are used to break up patterns which may be difficult to distinguish from finder patterns or other important features of the code. The error correction level and appropriate mask pattern are selected after looking at how the data is laid out across the code.

Lastly, the ten bits following this information are the Reed-Solomon Error Correction bits. These deserve an entire article of their own since they require quite a lot of math, but they enable the ability to have error correction at all. Once the full format string is determined, it is XORed with the final mask string 101010000010010 and written into the two locations shown on the code.


The data written into the QR code can be formatted in a few ways including numeric mode, alphanumeric, byte, and kanji. The bytes used to represent the string being encoded are snaked through the code in the purple pattern shown above. Once these are laid out skipping over allignment and timing patterns, the mask is applied and we are basically done.

Version and Allignment Patterns

QR Codes have version numbers ranging from 1 to 40. Version 1 codes are 21x21 and the size will increase by 4 in each direction with each subsequent version. This means that version 40 codes are 177x177! As the size of these codes increase, it can be more and more difficult for a scanner to locate the finder patterns. To solve this, starting with version 2 codes, allignment patterns are added to make the code more manageable.


Apologies for the relatively short article this week! School has just started meaning all of my extracurriculars have as well. Hopefully you still learned a bit from this. Stay tuned for the cool article I have planned for next time though!