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Elementary not Easy: The Irrationality of Pi

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Everyone knows that pi is irrational, but very few know why. You don't have to read both proofs in this article, but choosing to learn at least one of two will move you from that first camp into the (much cooler) second one. If proofs aren't your thing, you can instead scroll to the bottom of the page and at least learn a bit about a cool way of approximating pi.

Happy Pi day everyone! Just recently UT Math Club just had its first meeting of the semester starting with one of my favorite speakers; Tom Gannon. Tom is currently a 6th year grad student that I volunteered under for Sunday Morning Math Group a few years ago. He's a very engaging math speaker and does a great job of finding topics that are accessible to the entire audience.

His Math Club talk was on the Irrationality of Pi, a concept any math student is familiar with, but may not know the proof for. There are several interesting ways to prove this, so in this article, I want to show a few of a them that I enjoy, all of which use only basic calculus, but none of which are particularly easy to understand conceptually.

Niven's Proof

Ivan Niven wrote his proof on the Irrationality of Pi in 1947. Part of the reason this proof is elementary but not easy is because of the functions he defines. They are relatively easy to manipulate with basic calculus but don't make any sense until the proof is tied together right at the end. It is not a particularly intuitive proof.

He takes the definition of pi to be the smallest positive number for which sin(x)=0 and assumes this solution is rational. That is, we suppose that π=a/b for integers a and b. We also define the polynomials

f(x)= (xn(a-bx)n) n!

F(x)=f(x)- f''(x)+f(4)(x) + ... +(-1)nf(2n)(x)

for any positive integer n based on this a,b.

The idea is to prove the following two claims which will in turn give us a contradiction by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

Claim 1: F(0)+F(π) is an integer.

Proof of Claim 1:

We could imagine expanding f(x) and realize that all of the terms would be of the form ckxk/n! where the coefficient ck has to be an integer since its coming from a product of integers. This means that if we take k-many derivatives of f, we will end up with an integer term plus other terms including an x. Therefore, we can plug in to see f(k)(0)=0.

We can also notice that f(π-x)=(a/b -x)n(a-b(a/b- x))n/n!=...=f(x).

This means that f(k)(x)=(-1)k f(k)(π-x). Using the result above, we can see that f(k)(π)=(-1)k f(k)(0) which is an integer.

We then notice that F(0) and F(π) are just sums of integers so they are integers themselves.

Claim 2: 0πf(x) sin(x)dx=F(0)+F(π).

Proof of Claim 2:

Notice that taking two derivatives of F(x) will simply shift all of the terms down by two and change the sign. This means that F(x)+F''(x)=f( x). Also notice by product rule that f(x)sin(x)= (F'(x)sin(x)-F(x) cos(x))'.

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus will then allow us to rewrite our integral as:

0πf(x)sin (x)=F'(x)sin(x)-F (x)cos(x)|0π = F(0)+F(π)

Having proved our two claims, we are essentially done. Since f(x) and sin(x) are both positive for 0<x<π, our integral is positive and so is the integer F(0)+F(π).

From the bounds f(x)<(πa)n/n ! and sin(x)<1, we see that we can bound the size of our integral by any amount with large enough n. By choosing n to be large enough such that the integral is bounded above by 1, we see that 0<F(0)+F(π)<1 which is our contradiction since there is no such integer between these values.

Laczkovich's Proof

Johann Lambert was the first to prove that pi is irrational in 1761. Since then, some simplificiations have been made to his proof. Here we'll look at Miklos Laczkovich's version of Lambert's proof.

First, we define the functions

fk(x)=1-x2/k+ x4/2!k(k+1)+x6 /3!k(k+1)(k+2)+...   k{0,-1,-2,...}

Just as with Niven's Proof, we'll prove a few claims first and get a contradiction from there.

Claim 1: For all real values of x

x2fk+2(x)/k(k+1) =fk+1(x)-fk(x)

Proof of Claim 1: If we compare the coefficients of powers of x, we will see that they are the same on both sides.

Claim 2: For all real values of x, limk → ∞ fk(x)=1.

Proof of Claim 2: x2n/n! is bounded above by some C since it converges to 0 so

|fk(x)-1| n=1C/kn =C/(k-1)

so as k tends to infinity, we can add 1 to both sides to see the result.

Claim 3: If x0 and x2,

fk(x)0 and fk+1(x)/fk (x)   k\{0,-1,-2,...}

Proof of Claim 3: First, we will prove the following lemma:

Lemma: Assume otherwise (that is, either fk(x)=0, or fk+1(x)/fk (x), or both). Then there must be some y0 and a,b such that fk(x)=ay and fk+1 (x)=by

Proof of Lemma: There are two cases we can split this into:

Case 1: fk(x)=0

In this case, choose y=fk+1(x),a=0, and b=1. Then we satisfy the lemma's conclusion and y0 since otherwise we would contradict claim 2.

Case 2: fk(x)0

In this case, since fk+1(x)/fk (x), we can choose a,b such that fk+1(x)/fk (x)=b/a and y=fk(x) /a=fk+1(x)/b. Again we satisfy the lemma's conclusion and y0 since otherwise we would contradict claim 2.

Now we choose c such that bc/k,ck/x2, c/x2. Consider the following sequence of functions:

gn={ fk(x)if n= 0cnk( k+1)(k+n1 )fk+n(x )otherwise

We have that g0=fk(x)=ayy and g1=cfk+1(x)/k= bcy/ky. Then by claim 1:

gn+2= cnk(k+1)(k+n1 )x2(k+n) (k+n+1)fk+n+2( x)=...=(ckx2+ cnx2)gn+1- c2x2gn

So gn+2 is a sum of multiples of gn and gn+1 and in turn is also a multiple of y. Claim 2 gives us that each gn>0 and since it is a multiple of y, it follows that gn>|y|. But this is a contradiction of claim 1 since a sequence bounded below by some positive number cannot converge to 0. So we have proven claim 3.

Finally, notice that f1/2(x)=cos(2x) and f3/2(x)=sin(2x)/2x.

Since f1/2(π/4)=0, claim 3 tells us that π2/16 is irrational and therefore, π is irrational.

A Fun Approximation: Buffon's Needle

The last bit of pi I'll talk about today is not a proof. Rather, its my favorite probabalistic approximation of the constant. Buffon's Needle has the following setup - For a needle of length l and parallel lines distance 2l apart covering the plane, there is exactly a 1/π chance that the needle will cross one of the parallel lines when dropped at random.

I'll leave the calculus behind this one for you to explore, but its safe to say that it is significantly easier than these other two proofs. Instead, I'll just show you the nice little program I made that simulates this setup and outputs the current approximation of pi.

Simulation of Buffon's Needle with around 1000 needle drops
